About This Directory

Making It Easy To Find A Nutrition Expert In Illinois

The Illinois Nutrition Experts directory was created to streamline the process of finding qualified dietitians & certified nutrition specialists in Illinois. Initially designed to facilitate referrals between healthcare providers, this directory has evolved into a valuable resource for patients seeking expert nutrition care.

With a user-friendly layout and search function that lets you to easily explore providers by specialty, treatment approach, insurance plans accepted, and other options, this tool aims to help you make informed choices and connect with the right dietitian to meet your unique needs.

Why See A Dietitian?

Working with a Registered Dietitian can significantly improve your overall health and well-being. Dietitians provide personalized nutrition advice tailored to your specific needs, helping you achieve your goals — whether it’s weight management, disease prevention, navigating an illness or health condition, or optimizing athletic performance. They can also help you navigate complex dietary guidelines, decipher food labels, and develop sustainable eating habits.

As the creator of this directory likes to say, “If you’ve ever had questions about what to eat, you would benefit from talking with a dietitian!”

Who Runs & Maintains This Directory?

This directory was created by Kate Zalewski RDN, CSR, LDN, a private practice dietitian in Illinois. In addition to serving patients with kidney disease in her practice, Kate is a website designer. She created this 100% free online directory as a public service to fellow dietitians in Illinois and patients looking to connect with a dietitian.

Any dietitian based in Illinois (or dietitian in surrounding states that serves Illinois-based patients) is welcome to join the directory. There is no fee to join. All submissions to the directory will be reviewed and vetted before being posted online.